1·Mr. Perry and those who think like him know what they want to believe, and their response to anyone who contradicts them is to start a witch hunt.
2·Over the last week, the term "witch hunt" has also been used by other Russian officials to describe allegations against them.
3·Chloe: : Who said that a witch can't hunt witches?
克洛伊:谁规定一个女巫不能追捕女巫? ?
4·These bloody trials have been the historical event what we call witch-hunt.
5·Some factors that can aggravated the people's fear and promoted witch-hunt also be discussed.
6·To explain why the great European witch-hunt took place, historians have done a lot of research on its social context and legal foundations.
7·2: Blood Moon: a scary vision from Ichabod s former wife, Katrina, sends him and Abbie on a hunt for an 18th-century witch whos out for revenge in Sleepy Hollow.
8·The Witchcraft Beliefs and the Witch-hunt in Early Modern Europe;